Saturday, May 14, 2011

upcycled. crochet sandals.

Last week, I was cleaning out my closet and ran across these little guys.

They're not exactly ugly, but they've definitely seen better days. And it had been so long since I'd worn them, I didn't even remember breaking the left flip flop. Well a few days prior, I got a catalog from Alloy (really random, since I've never bought anything from them) and saw [these] sandals. cutee!! However, I have a strict don't-pay-over-$25-unless-they're-winter-boots policy.

The solution? upcycle!

I used materials that I already had, so the color of yarn (yes. yarn. when they wear out, maybe I'll get hemp.) was between a brown that absolutely did not match and white. Both fabrics used for the back were left over from previous projects. I also did not have any zippers, so I just went for the button-up look.

I kind of rushed through these, so I didn't do a lot of planning. In hindsight, I would have bought something a little sturdier to crochet with, and I would have put interfacing in the back (yes. I know. I can't believe I missed it.).


  1. those are GREAT!!! i love that you used on hand very eco & wallet friendly. enjoy wearing your new to you sandals.

  2. Very cute, I love the idea! And the buttons really add a great look too :)

  3. Wow that's really creative! They look gorgeous! Good work!

  4. those are GREAT!!! i love that you used on hand very eco & wallet friendly. enjoy wearing your new to you sandals.

  5. What a great idea! You are going to have some happy and stylish feet now!
